Dos and Don'ts for the USMLE Step 2 CS Exam

For the integrated clinical encounter (ICE):

Use of open-ended questions,
Use transitional statements,
Facilitate remarks
Accurately summarize information from the patient
Ask leading questions
Ask multiple questions at once
Repeat questions unless for clarification
Use medical terms/jargon unless immediately defined
Interrupt when the patient is talking

For Communication and Interpersonal Skills (CIS):

Acknowledge patient’s issues/concerns
Respond clearly with information
Provide counseling where appropriate
Close the conversation appropriately and include statements about what happens next
Use medical terms/jargon unless immediately defined

Also remember to:

Ask about
-expectations, feelings, and concerns of the patient
-support systems and impact of illness, with attempts to explore these areas

-consideration for patient comfort during the physical examination
-attention to cleanliness through hand washing or use of gloves

-opportunity for the patient to express feelings/concerns
-encouragement additional questions or discussion

-empathetic remarks concerning patient issues/concerns
-patient feel comfortable and respected during the encounter

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