What to wear to the Step 2 CS Examination (Ladies)

You should wear clothes similar to those you have seen doctors wear in a clinic in the US. You don't have to be dressed as if you are going for an interview! Try to look for a comfortable formal dress. Below are rough guidelines.

Bottoms: Formal black/dark trousers or skirt.
Top: Formal light colored shirt or top. May put on a sweater if it is winter time.
Hair: Keep it all tied/gelled to the back. DO NOT play with/touch your hair during an encounter.
Jewelry: KISS-Keep it simple stupid. I have heard conflicting things about wearing and not wearing rings. I don't think it matters!
Make up: A light foundation and lipstick should do it. Careful when picking the color of your lipstick.
Shoes: Black or dark brown formal shoes. No sandles, no open front shoes please. Nails: Cut short and clean. It's okay to paint them.
Perfume: Take a shower and put on a mild deodorant.

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